OpenS(w,h,d,m,n=NIL,t=NIL)(PTR TO Screen)
This function returns pointer to opened screen if everything went ok or NIL if no. This
function is AmigaE's equivalent, but it doesn't initialize <stdrast>, drawing to screen's
rastport shouldn't be used, try window!
w - width of the screen
h - height of the screen
d - depth of the screen (1=2 colours, 2=4 colours, 3=8 colours, ...)
m - screenmode (see 'graphics/modeid')
$0000 - lores
$8000 - hires
$0004 - laced
$8020 - super hires
$0800 - ham
$0080 - ehb
if You want more specific screen like multiscan productivity,
use SA_DisplayID tag in tag item list.
t - screen tagitems (see 'intuition/screens.m')